There's an app for everything. Seriously. There's even an app for understanding your cat. Weird apps aside, there's also a lot of apps that help you manage your mental health. So many, in fact, that it's hard to figure out which ones to download.
Lucky for you, I took it upon myself to use a few popular apps and find the best ones. Here are my picks for the top apps:
This is a mindfulness app that has guided meditations, audio stories to aid sleep, short yoga videos, and master classes. I've been using this app for over a year and find the guided meditations extremely helpful for bringing me back to the present moment. I love that they aren't religion focused like some meditation apps/videos. This app is about using your breath to take your mind off of the past or future, not achieving enlightenment.
Although, my favorite aspect of this app are the sleep stories. These are like mini-audiobooks intended to help adults and kids alike fall asleep. Drifting off as I listen to what it's like aboard the Orient Express or exploring Europe is such a treat.
This app is all about using behavioral activation to improve your mood. Do you ever feel so emotionally drained that you don't want to do anything? And then you decide to do nothing at all which makes you feel even worse? The creators of Schmoody know that feeling and created an app to help! The app helps you create action plans based on your mood. Completing these actions are proven to improve your mood, plus it just feels so satisfying to mark something off your action plan list!
Schmoody also has the coolest toolbox for immediate relief. There's a section with movie recommendations tailored to your mood. There is a section that helps you reply to unread texts, emails, and how to approach difficult conversations (it's such a lifesaver). Of course they also have a selection of calming soundscapes!
This is an app that is full of tools to help ease self-harm urges. There are tons of activities and they are split by categories to fit what you need in that moment. Do you need a distraction? Comfort? To express yourself? Calm Harm can help you find an activity to do just that! When you're in the throes of challenging thoughts, it can be hard to know what to do or remember coping strategies. This app does all the work for you. All you need to do is ride the wave until the urge passes.
I also love the self-monitoring function. You set a password and then you can monitor your urges, events that may have lead to them, the strength of the urge, what activity you did to help, and create a safety plan.
I hope this helped equip you with resources to improve your wellbeing. If you have any other apps you love, please leave them in a comment below!